Flu Season Ahead – Save time and money with Mailmark

Once again we are rapidly approaching flu Season, which means it is a busy time for Doctors Surgeries, Health Centers and Hospitals.
The cost of sending out flu jab reminders to patients can be expensive and time consuming, especially when using stamps.
Using a Mailmark franking machine can however cut these costs by up to 35% and increase productivity.
To send a flu jab reminder using Mailmark costs as little as 39p. So a surgery sending an average of 200 reminders would see a saving of £38.00 on those alone.
However a franking machine is not just for flu jab season!
As well as the impressive savings on postage they also offer a whole host of other benefits such as:
- Free company logo and return address
- Pre-paid envelopes – allowing important documents to be returned to you
- Faster delivery of your post
- Instant text marketing
- LAN or Wi-Fi connection
You can calculate how much you can save on your post by using our postage calculator.
Surgeries with existing franking machines
During this busy time, it is important that surgeries plan ahead if you have an existing franking machine. You can do so by ensuring you have enough funds available, a spare ink cartridge and plenty of envelopes!
If the amount of letters you are sending exceed your agreed account balance, please call the office and we can arrange for extra funds to be made available to you.
For more information on how Mailmark can save you money or to arrange for extra funds please contact us on 0800 458 2880 or info@ashcroftmailing.co.uk